Red Hat Cloud Tour 2011

You are registering to attend the Red Hat Cloud Tour in Toronto on November 8th at the Toronto metropolitan hotel starting at 8:15am.

Please enter your information below. You will receive an email confirmation that you’ve been registered.

Questions? Email us at

*(Indicates a required field)



First Name: *


Last Name: *


Email: *


Business Phone: *


Company: *




Job Title:




Address: *


Zip: *


City: *


State/Province: *


Country: *


Estimated Annual Revenue*


What is your relationship with Red Hat *


Is your company using Red Hat technologies?

(Highlight all that apply)


      Topic of interest (Highlight all that apply) *



Do you have a virtualization or cloud project?


From time to time we would like to inform you by 
e-mail e.g. about announcements, new products
or  events near you (approx. 1-2 per month).



I understand Red Hat often uses authorized business partners to best serve its customers, particularly in the public and education sectors. Red Hat may share my contact information with those partners.*